The Indy Chamber’s Central Indiana Women’s Business Center and the Hispanic Business Council are joining forces to expand their impact across the Indy Region.
Calling all art enthusiasts! Art and culture add vibrancy to places and neighborhoods and are an integral part of community development and planning. Both play a large role in adding to a city's attractiveness and livability—and Indianapolis is no exception. The creative community makes Indianapolis a more vibrant place to live, work, and do business.
On Aug. 16, join us to strengthen the business network of the creative and artistic community. Designed for artists who want to start, grow or scale their businesses, or individuals with a passion for the arts, this event will outline the business resources, small business training, and financing options available to artists and creatives alike. No matter where you are in the process, we’ve got the tools you’ll need to get there.
Plus, hear from three Indianapolis-area creatives as they share their individual business journeys, the resources available to fellow creatives, and how you can plug in to support the artistic community as a whole. Join us for networking, cocktails, and opportunity by registering today!
Thank you to our Conexión sponsors:
Thank you to our Women in Business Event Series sponsors: